Hey, wet cement! Let's write something!
What do you think, wasted opportunity or brilliant social commentary?
I found this gem on the corner of Lyndale and 31st. You know, it isn't really all that often that we come across wet cement. Is it really a good use of a canvas? Maybe some off-hand juvenile sniggering is what the city really needs. The appeal of writing in cement is longevity - Ozymandias employed a stone pedastel for his famous warning to travellers, "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!". Now it's just, "LICK NUTS".
I just found this online:
"Do you know the guy that does that? Pasco or something....I can't remember. If not, I would like to report that he has one arm because the other got taken off by a train whilst he was tagging LICK NUTS. He's also been to jail like 3 times for graffiti. All for LICK NUTS.
That's the word on the street anyway. Can't be confirmed or denied." http://www.modern-radio.com/board/t.php?id=31970&r=43
Amazing, just amazing. How can this be a tag? Here's this opportunity to get your message out there, let the world hear your voice, and all you've got to say is this? Unbelievable. But definitely worth losing an arm over.
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